The Real Deal

This story is the real deal. One day my friend sent me a disc copy of call of duty 4 amd told me to destroy it because it was scary an had demons that whould scare the my rock solid rippilng abs and biceps off. So I destroyed it and went to school where i would learn shit. Did mention ythat i could defet the toppler cause imm ripped and go to the gym every day for 23 hours so I went to work at wal mart 3 years later I know that bcause i hvee a time machine I have 2 kids called Danny a girl and boy they grow and hav 6 kiddies ( they both have 3) all thoughs kiddies are ripped. Anyway I went to school and my teacher said you what is pie time grape and I go dontt know so he called me a retard and sent me away then I killed him cause said something mean to me so side I done that I got suspended for a week and my mum banned gym for 1 hour that night i cryer my self to sleep. I gone to visit my gran kids cose i got time machine and told them that they accident then left to go roller skating with my cat. I saw some squrellss and they were dead I got spooked and fell off bike that was awsome and costs way more than your bike pus my bike from future since I got time machine. I have big muscles and my grand kidz are weirdos I went to school and had no friends cause I was a really weak nerd who had no friends and big glasses. When I go work out at the gym I get all the girls and all of my friends think imm awsome.
this one time I went on a killing spree but the po po let me off on the warnigg cause I let dem touch my muscles. I went roller skating and saw some dinosaures cause got time machine cause I's the real deal and stuff that you dontt like I got you no. Some times i punt babies for banter
so i went to sleep and when i woke up I was dead